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Sporty Woman Stretching

Benefits of Corrective Exercise Training: 

> Corrects muscle imbalances and reduces muscle dysfunction

> Improves posture and neuromuscular efficiency (balance, stabilization, and muscular coordination) 

> Enhances joint range of motion and flexibility

> Establishes proper movement patterns and body mechanic functionality

> Helps to reduce the risk of injury and tissue overload by preparing muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints for the upcoming imposed demands of training



Proper posture is the foundation of a safe and effective workout. If your body is out of alignment due to muscle imbalances or altered body mechanics, injuries are more likely to occur.


This is why it is so important to identify and correct any muscle imbalances and improper movement patterns that you may have. Performing the proven techniques of Corrective Exercise, which focuses on flexibility, balance, isolated and integrated strength training can help to ensure good posture and proper body mechanics. This, in turn, will help to activate the right muscles, prevent movement compensations, maintain balance, relieve pain, and avoid injuries for all of life's daily activities.


Based on the results of your postural and movement assessments, flexibility techniques including self-myofascial release (SMR) and static stretching, as well as isolated and integrated strength training recommendations may be provided to address any areas of concern.


While everyone should maintain muscular balance and proper body mechanics, some individuals may need to begin their workout program in this baseline phase of training before progressing into the next phase. Depending on the severity of each case, Corrective Exercise Training typically requires a commitment of 2-4 days per week for 6+ weeks. 

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